Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Love Day

I'm so behind!

Lucas had a lovely set up for Valentine's Day, but I didn't get one picture of it:( Or of Daddy's!

But, I did take a picture of the set-up I got delivered to me at school:)  Nick and I went super simple with Valentine's Day this year!

We went to Sho-Gun for Valentine's Day like we do almost every year!  Lucas has been every year since he's been born:)  Three Valentine's at Sho-Gun.  We go for my cousin Megan's birthday and we spend the evening with the people we love, our family!!

My two favorite boys:)

My little man enjoying the rope surrounding the water:)

My Mom and Sister

Rial girls:)

And my one True love!

So fun!!!  Great pictures:)  Great family:)

Here's a look at the past few years and how much Lucas has changed since that first Valentine's Day!!  And you can see how my hair changes every year;)  Haha!!

He's so big now!!  I do love that boy:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad y'all get to spend my birthday with me every year! Love you!