Long before I was pregnant, I swore up and down my child go to the church nursery as soon as possible.
I knew it would help me in the transition of going back to work, since I'd be able to get used to him being gone only a few hours at at time and I would be in the same building. I also knew when I was in church and Sunday school, I wanted to focus on what the Lord had for me that morning and the relationships I made while learning new things about Him.
I also knew it would help him in getting used to the idea of being away from me and being good for others. I had seen it all to often: a child who's never away from his parents or family members screams the whole time he's in nursery. He doesn't know how to act with others that aren't his immediate family. I didn't want this for my child. My husband was in complete agreement.
Until now, it's been wonderful! Our relationships with those in our Sunday School class have flourished and it's been so nice to be free to worship on Sunday mornings. I always knew he would be taken care of and I didn't need to worry.
The last few weeks, nursery hasn't gone as planned. Not horrible things like they dropped him or let him sit in a poopy diaper the whole time: nothing like that. Just little things that have me second-guessing taking him to the nursery.
As I've said before, my little man is very chill. He's established a wonderful routine and usually sleeps in his carseat during church in the morning or sits wonderfully in their laps the entire time, just laughing and smiling. Every person who has watched him in the nursery tells us how great he is and how easy-going he is and how he never cries!
He always eats before church, so per his routine, he doesn't need to eat until about 11:30a-12p. We go to early service, so he usually eats breakfast at 7:30a. We always pack a bottle just in case we go out to eat for lunch or need to run errands. He shouldn't need it in the nursery. If he gets even the slightest bit fussy, he needs a nap. He falls asleep 2 hours after eating breakfast, usually.
This is exactly what we told the ladies in the nursery last Sunday. When I went to pick him up at 10:30a after Sunday School, they told me he didn't eat all of his bottle. "What?! He didn't need a bottle!", I thought. "Did he take a nap?" I asked. "No", they said. I was a little frustrated. His routine was all off and no wonder he didn't eat his bottle! He wasn't hungry! He started getting fussy and instead of laying him down in a crib, they stuck food in his mouth. First offense. No big deal.
This past Sunday's offense takes the cake! I randomly went into the nursery after church before Sunday School with my friend who wanted to see Lucas in his tie. I walk in and hear him screaming bloody-murder...haven't heard this since the day we brought him home from the hospital! I asked how long he'd been crying like this and they said "About 30 minutes!". OH MY GOODNESS! WHY DIDN'T THEY COME GET ME? I'M 5 FEET AWAY IN THE SANCTUARY!!!!
It really upset me. My son never cries, so if he's crying that hard for even 5 minutes, it's too long and something's wrong. It took me 20 minutes to calm him down...only after giving him a little Tylenol and stripping his clothes off. He'd been crying so hard and so long, he was sweaty! I just don't understand. I don't know what happened to make him so upset, but it was awful:(
I just don't know what to do. Since Lucas is so easy-going, we are wondering if we should just take him to church with us so we can monitor his napping and we will take him out if he gets a tad fussy, which is rare. Since he's usually very quiet, we figure we can keep him in there with no problems.
Help! I want to put my focus on the Lord and worship, not on my son for that hour, but I also don't want to worry that they're not going to come get me when something is off. What to do? What to do?